Hannah Scheppler

Hannah Scheppler
Graduate Research Fellow

Hannah is interested in utilizing niche theory to help discover beneficial genes from crop wild relatives.  They are currently working on a chile pepper pathogen system.  Their dissertation work involves niche modeling, population ecology, plant pathology, and genomics.

Link to CV


M.S. Biology, Miami University, Ohio, 2019.

Thesis: Modeling the climatic niche of wild Carica papaya

B.S. Biology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 2017.

Honors Research Project: Genetic characterization of the sex linked intron CHD1 in Magellanic penguins

Work History

Graduate Research Fellow, The Ohio State University. 2020.

Teaching Assistant, Field Botany, Intro to Biol., Plant Evolution; Miami University, Ohio. 2017-2019.

Research Assistant, Lake Erie Center, University of Toledo. Sampled, extracted, and performed PCR on eDNA in water samples from over 60 bait shops. 2016-2017.

NSF REU Scholar, University of Toledo. Sampling water and extracting eDNA from wild water sources. 2016.

Research Assistant, Laboratory of Evolutionary & Conservation Genetics, BGSU. PCR, cloning, Sanger sequencing, and phylogenetics. 2014-2017.


Snyder, M.R., Stepien, C.A., Marshall, N.T., Scheppler, H.B., Black, C.L., and Czajkowski, K.P. 2020. Detecting aquatic invasive species in bait and pond stores with targeted environmental (e)DNA high-throughput sequencing metabarcode assays: Angler, retailer, and manager implications. Biological Conservation, 245: 108430. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108430

Hibbets, E.M., Schumacher, K.I., Scheppler, H.B., Boersma, P.D. and Bouzat, J.L. 2020. Genetic characterization of hybridization between Magellanic (Sphensicus magellanicus) and Humboldt (Spheniscus humboldti) penguins in the wild. Genetica, 148: 215-228. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10709-020-00106-2