
Search results

  1. Drought-Stressed Corn Struggling to Produce a Crop

    Treatment to control rootworm beetles is warranted if five or more beetles are found per silk mass when 75 ...

  2. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    are referred to as controlled-release fertilizers, the rate at which nitrogen is released from these ...

  3. Tank's Meats Inc. is continually growing after 102 years of service

    different types of people and businesses that are members of the organization, from small meat processors to ...

  4. Researchers: Apply Public Trust Doctrine to 'Rescue' Wildlife from Politics

    use in the future to the people of the state." "If you recognize a wildlife trust doctrine, ...

  5. Blame the Heat for Delayed Pumpkin Development

    because it's difficult to get it under control." Powdery mildew, which infects vine crops, is ...

  6. Gypsy Moth Larvae Now Emerging

    found to have some impact on controlling the gypsy moth, but only in low populations. Entomophaga ...

  7. An Animal Disease Found in Sheep May Have Ties to a Human Intestinal Illness

    practices to help control the disease in the animal population. Such biomedical and management interventions ...

  8. Soybean Rust Next to Impossible to Predict

    the fungicides designed to manage it — currently the only known effective means for controlling the ...

  9. Brazil Experiences with Rust Offer Insight for U.S. Growers

    knowledgeable regarding the behavior of the disease, preventive maintenance and effective control in the event ...

  10. Yields Inconsistent with Fungicide-Treated Corn Plots, Study Finds

    recommend that growers only use fungicides on the crop when warranted to control for diseases, such as gray ...
