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CD Weekly Wire- April 8, 2013
collaboration, impacting people in places where they live, work, learn, play, and worship in both urban and rural ...
CD Weekly Wire- August 5, 2013
Additional people from the same county can register without ordering additional kits. Contact Kathy Michelich ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: People-sized Penguins (for the Week of July 1, 2007)
July 1, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Did you hear about the giant penguin? Some scientists found some fossils from one. What's the biggest penguin today? What's the biggest penguin ever? A. Yes, I heard about the giant penguin. Web sites and papers ran ...
U.S. Dairy Markets and Policy Update
Cameron Thraen, AEDE Associate Professor, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2014-2015 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series: "U.S. dairy markets and policy update." ...
Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop program decisions
Carl Zulauf, AEDE Professor, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2014-2015 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series: "Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop program decisions". ...
Ph.D. Requirements
Questions you should be asking yourself about your crop program decisions
U.S. dairy markets and policy update
CD Weekly Wire- July 15, 2013
America that recognize the vital contribution that rural people and places make to national well-being and ...
CD Weekly Wire- August 27, 2012
in Gallia County OCARD Receives Award to Host Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) Visiting PhD Students and ...