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  1. Team Academic Resources

    these resources are intended to help make your job easier by quickly linking you to valuable people and ...

  2. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future The Ohio State University/Université Gaston Berger The people of ...

  3. Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives

    on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...

  4. 2014 Fruit Research and Extension Progress

    By: Gary Gao, PhD, Small Fruit Extension Specialist and Associate Professor   Polar vortexes in ...

  5. Ohio State University Promotes Injury Prevention, Safety for Senior Farmers During Farm Safety Week Sept. 15-21

    program that promotes independence for people in agriculture who want to continue farming after ...

  6. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    partnership with the Ohio Hop Growers Guild, where over 500 people participated in all-day tours of nine ...

  7. Aquaculture and Horticulture Programs Conduct First Ohio Aquaponics Research

    By: Laura Tiu, PhD, Director of Ohio Aquaculture Extension and Brad Bergefurd, Horticulture ...

  8. Higher Moisture Levels in Grain Call for Additional Safety Measures

    point where people often stop thinking about safety and focus on the need to get the product out. They ...

  9. 2014 Horticulture Research and Extension Achievements

    leased and cultivated in 2014. In 2014, the incubator farm employed 20 people and 400 families purchased ...

  10. Urban Agriculture

    Weinland Park This presents a significant opportunity to provide fresh vegetables and fruits to people who ...
