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Farm Accounting Workshop with Quicken
example farm data to an OSU Extension office near you. Cost: $65 per farm business (2 people per computer) ...
The Papers-Based Credit Option
many people were sampled, and any steps that were taken to ensure the data would be accurate. (2-3 ...
Dr. Natasha Myhal
vulnerabilities Indigenous peoples face with the effects of climate change. Her academic training is rooted in ...
Dr. Jeffrey Jacquet
Fershee, J. Kay, D. Stedman, R.C., and Ladlee, J. 2018. “A decade of Marcellus Shale: impacts to people ... R.C., and Ladlee, J. 2018. “ A decade of Marcellus Shale: impacts to people, policy, and culture from ...
4-H Camps
jobs for more people than anyone else in Lancaster. She was frugal with her money yet was very generous ... in giving to her church. In her later years, Bertha set up a Trust for people who had very little. ...
Our Services
about people and sustainability. As examples, we have addressed questions like: How do experiences ...
ESS Lab Peer-Reviewed Publications
bird feeding. People and Nature, Hamilton, M., C. Evers, M. ... community is tightening socialecological network structures in the face of global change.” People and Nature ...
Publications In Previous Years Bessette, D. L., Wilson, R. S., & Arvai, J. L. (2021). Do people disagree with themselves? ... S., & Arvai, J. L. (2019). Do people disagree with themselves? Exploring the internal consistency ...
Jeremy Bruskotter
explaining how people make conservation-related judgments and decisions, and the intersection of such ... My research is centered on understanding and explaining how people make conservation-related ... interested in how people make decisions related to the conservation of wildlife, and the origins of ...
Don’t Let a Lapse in Biosecurity Ruin Your Fair
fair or exhibition visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal ... hygiene. Animals can be a source of germs that can cause problems in people. Not only is HPAI a concern but ... strep that can cause skin or wound infections in people. Likewise, we can be a method of transmission of ...