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OWS Friday Escape to the Forest webinar – Carbon Credits: What You Should Know
Extension Specialist Tamara Cushing, and Stephanie Downs, Ohio Division of Forestry to discuss carbon market ...
Can Drinking Water Treatment Remove Microplastics?
microplastics in the environment and the food and drink people consume,” Lenhart said. “The overarching goal is ...
Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling
specifically for people who are age 60 or older and have fallen or have a fear of falling. A fall can have ...
Donuts with the Dean
What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...
A Cultural Experience In Arizona Brings Attention To Values, Belonging
particular group of people at a particular time” Last week I attended the National Association of ... people. Several groups shared their native dress and dances with us while others displayed their ...
Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships
commitment to build lasting friendships. We all know that people come in and out of our lives, during ... came. Soni and I have been friends for a long, time. She’s one of those people who helped me grow ...
Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist
species worldwide, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium leads by making a positive impact on people, wildlife, ...
SENR Announcements, September 13
gathering on Sunday, September 8. Over 40 people were in attendance including graduate students, staff, ...
SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentations
aimed at examining what leads people to adopt solar systems, and how perceptions of rooftop versus ...
Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts
Sunday worship services at this church, working with an adult Sunday School class to help people in the ...