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  1. Rumpke Landfill Tour 11-12pm

    Registration: The tour is free, but space is limited to 20 people. Please email Laura at ( or ...

  2. Rumpke Landfill Tour 10-11am

    Registration: The tour is free, but space is limited to 20 people. Please email Laura at ( or ...

  3. Rumpke Landfill Tour January 23rd 11-12pm

    Registration: The tour is free, but space is limited to 20 people. Please email Laura at ( or ...

  4. Rumpke Landfill Tour January 23rd 10-11am

    Registration: The tour is free, but space is limited to 20 people. Please email Laura at ( or ...

  5. Focus On Meaningful Conversations: Tips On Sharing And Listening

    a safe space: Make people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and needs. Avoid distractions: Put away ... conversation.  Don’t make assumptions: Be open to learning from people who challenge your assumptions. Be ...

  6. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    virus that affects people each year, it can mutate and create a new strain which changes the species it ...

  7. Rumpke Recycling Tour 2.19.2025

    people. Please email Laura at ( or call 513-695-1311 to reserve a spot on the tour. For ...

  8. Rumpke Recycling Tour 2.19.2025

    people. Please email Laura at ( or call 513-695-1311 to reserve a spot on the tour. For ...

  9. Saving Tips and Turkey Talk: How To Cut Meal Costs, Bake A Good Bird

    * Remember to consider portion sizes and the size of your plates will also influence how much people will ...

  10. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    most people think about 4-H they think of the fair. Once the fair is over then 4-H is done for the year ... volunteers to have a great banquet. We are expecting around 500 people to attend, from our volunteers, 4-H ...
