
Search results

  1. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    workshops in CFAES include:  Nov. 19 (2-4 p.m.): Gender Demystified: Creating Inclusive Spaces for People of ...

  2. 4-H and the Ohio Graduation Seals

    allows young people to explore their personal sparks, while fostering relationships with youth and adult ...

  3. 4-H brings STEM activities to Farm Science Review

    a soybean planter powered by a Sphero, enabled young people to use their creativity and problem-solving ... machines how to distinguish between images in a game or sorting activity. “Many people don’t realize it, ...

  4. 4-H STEM programming is on the move with the 4-H Mobile Classroom

    The almost 2,500 people who have visited the Mobile Classroom this summer often interact with ... but the 4-H Mobile Classroom certainly caught people’s attention this summer. Adorned with the 4-H ...

  5. Live Healthy Live Well Team Shares Benefits of Companion Animals

    – help people live longer and healthier lives. Some of the medical benefits a person may experience from ...

  6. ↻ Refresh! Extension Data Portal Monthly Update

    Ethics  FCS – Healthy People – Other Healthy People – Healthy Opportunities Program  FCS – Operational ...

  7. Statewide Programs

    PetPALS- 4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational 4-H program ... military service. Real Money. Real World.- An active hands-on experience that gives young people the ... teaches young people the safe and responsible use of archery and firearm equipment under the direction of ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp: “One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life”

    Camp, where I made friends with people from all over the state. I had an amazing time getting to know my ... accomplished and the people I had met. However, when the opportunity of me attending Leadership Camp as ... experience, but to life outside of 4-H. Our talks ranged from people that plan well in their lives, to a time ...

  9. Assuring Quality Care for Animals

    reducing obesity through facilitating exercise and play; serving as service animals for people with ... mobility, hearing, and sight impairments, and for people with conditions, such as autism and diabetes. ...

  10. Minding the Brand: Is Your Professional ID on Brand?

    connect with people in person and start working on new programs for the fall and winter, it’s also a good ...
