
Search results

  1. Stephanie Karhoff

    Stephanie Karhoff Assistant Professor, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems 1206 East Second Street, ... Ottawa, Ohio 45875 567-376-4019 Stephanie conducts applied research to identify best ... on integrated pest management, agronomic crop production, and nutrient management. Stephanie is also ...

  2. Autumn 2024 Dean's List honors announced

    engineering Stephanie Aboagye-Mensah Alexander Babinski Isabel Balderaz Hannah Bernstein Meghan Bhanoo Heather ...

  3. Online Backyard Poultry Course

    flocks provide the opportunity for people in rural and urban areas alike to produce tasty eggs and meat ...

  4. Backyard Poultry Certificate Course Now Available

    increase in interest in keeping backyard poultry. Backyard flocks provide the opportunity for people in ...

  5. Donuts with the Dean FRIDAY

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  6. Cultural Connections

    cookers you can use to prepare food or keep it warm.  If people from your country—or ethnic heritage—work ... time.  So you’ll have another person or people who can help you put the presentation together.  This can ... people lining up to get food and talking amongst themselves before the speaker and the streaming start.  ...

  7. ATI Equine Center participates in Apple Creek’s Christmas in the Village

    Nearly 100 people visited the ATI Equine Center during Apple Creek’s Christmas in the Village on ...

  8. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    research, and getting to travel to conferences to show people around the world some of the work I am doing ... level, I have been able to foster collaborations with people who I never would've known ...

  9. Cloverbud Information

    People’s Choice Best Name/Theme Most Creative Highest number of veggies and fruits used in construction ...

  10. Dairy Career Fair

    opportunity to network with people in the dairy industry and make connections that could potentially lead to ...
