
Search results

  1. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    a “missile” that can harm people, animals, and property upon impact. A recent case in Florida illustrates this ... the concern. An injured UAV can harm people and property. A shooter could not only be liable for that ...

  2. Backyard Poultry Certificate Course Now Available

    increase in interest in keeping backyard poultry. Backyard flocks provide the opportunity for people in ...

  3. Free Flu Vaccine for Dairy Farmers and Farm Workers

    better detect cases of H5N1 bird flu, should they occur. And fewer people infected with seasonal flu ...

  4. CFAES Peer Mentor Program

    and devoted people.  It has been wonderful to be able to meet new people within the program who all ... for the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. I have met many people that have ... a graduating class of less than a 100 people, OSU was very daunting. Especially being someone who did not grow ...

  5. Cloverbud Information

    People’s Choice Best Name/Theme Most Creative Highest number of veggies and fruits used in construction ...

  6. Exploring the Heart of it All Email Wellness Challenge-FREE Event

    healthy people, relationship, and financial topics. What is the cost? It’s FREE!! Who can participate? Any ...

  7. The Papers-Based Credit Option

    many people were sampled, and any steps that were taken to ensure the data would be accurate. (2-3 ...

  8. B-vitamins Basics in Dairy Cattle Nutrition – Part I

    Dairy and B-vitamins for People? Since the rumen provides cows with B-vitamins, the cows deposit some of ...

  9. Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)

    Better Lives, Stronger Communities OSU Extension family and consumer sciences (FCS) gives people ... food practices, better nutrition, better finances and better relationships – helping people acquire the ... of people’s lives. We work to make information accessible to all Ohioans. You can count on FCS to ...


    participated in a field experience with Mrs. Stephanie Jolliff at Ridgemont High School, working both in her ... and agriculture industry, and learned the value of working with a strong team of committed people who ...
