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  1. OBIC Bioproducts Network Webinar Event: "Algae Feedstocks- Technology and Markets)"

    Feautring: Dr. Stephanie Smith, Beagle Bioproducts Mark Randall, T2e Energy Watch the webinar ...

  2. Center for Food Animal Health

    protecting the environment, and making animals and people healthier. CFAH researchers are using ... contributions will positively impact the lives of people of Ohio, the nation, and the global community. ...

  3. Facilities & Centers

    dedicated to enhancing the well-being of people throughout the world through research on food, agriculture, ...

  4. Eastern Agricultural Research Station

    reduce injury to both beef cattle and the people who work with them. This animal behavior and ...

  5. Signature Areas

    directed its resources to advance knowledge and generate economic development opportunities for the people ...

  6. The Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Signs-Off on Another Great County Fair Tour

    Ohio, where many people work in biomass production or other supporting agricultural industries. Most ... people know that soybeans are a great source of quality protein and oil for human consumption; many folks ... but in the process, we did some learning of our own. After meeting some incredible people on our ...

  7. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Wraps Up For 2018

    encourage young people to explore one of the many career areas that the bioeconomy has to offer. During our ... time on the road, we spoke to nearly 2,500 people about living a more sustainable lifestyle through the ... implementation of biobased products. Most of the people we interacted with were unaware of the bioproducts ...

  8. Visit Us

    enhancing the well-being of people throughout the world through research on food, agriculture, family, and ...

  9. Faculty Mentor Spotlight: Timothy Volk

    gain from your experience? I value and enjoy the opportunity to interact and learn from people from ... from my own. The chance to be a part of a project that included people from across the country with ... engage with a wide range of people from academia and business and to receive some training related to ...

  10. About

    Agricultural Research And Development Center is to enhance the well-being of the people of Ohio, the nation and ...
