
Search results

  1. Natural Resources Engineer 3

    seeking energetic, passionate people who enjoy the outdoors and want to play a key role for the position ...

  2. Campaigns Intern

    Ohioans to table at festivals or pass out fliers at state and local parks to educate people about the ...

  3. Trails Manager

    overseeing contractors in creating new opportunities to connect people with nature in sustainable and ...

  4. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste In study, 1 in 4 users reports an increase in discarding food

    they tossed before starting the medications, a new study has found. In a survey of people currently on  ... drugs, compared to 61% who disagreed. People who were nauseated by the drugs were more likely to report ... food than people who had taken the medication for 90 days or fewer – about 30% of the respondents.  ...

  5. Oh, Deer! Collaborative efforts to create and link deer management plans across Central Ohio

    centers on understanding and explaining how people make conservation-related judgments and decisions, and ...

  6. Living City Farms Business Manager

    Stewardship • Uphold and pursue the continued fulfillment of Living City Farms Three Main Aims. • Value People ... A strong commitment to caring for people and the earth. • Business Management: Familiarity with business ...

  7. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    journey,” continued Shepherd. “Overall, it was an amazing experience with wonderful people, opportunities, ...

  8. Economic Outlook and Policy Webinar Series

    growth and sustained advances in agricul­tural productivity. For rural people in the region to be able to ...

  9. City of Columbus and Ohio State launch pilot food waste reduction campaign

    nearly half occurring in homes. “People are often unaware of how much food they discard, and many ...

  10. Our Minds Matter: Enhancing climate resilience skills and well-being for environmental students and professionals

    with environmental NGOs on both local & national levels. She has engaged influential people to take ...
