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  1. Donuts with the Dean

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  2. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    can grow and produce toxins dangerous to people and animals. Do not process low-­acid vegetables using ...

  3. Student Spotlight: Alex Babinski and the Ecological Engineering Society

    while he was undecided when he came to Ohio State, he knew that he was interested in helping people and ... about people, and the environment,” said Babinski. This past summer, he earned an internship at the Ohio ... what we’ve learned with the upcoming group of people and push them to be leaders like I was.” In spring ...

  4. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    Sourcebooks, Inc. Stephen R. Covey (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in ...

  5. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    habits of successful and effective people, and how they might benefit you as the leader of your farm or ... goodie," The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey, laid the early ... differences to create a well-functioning whole. We can summarize habits 4, 5, and 6 by saying effective people ...

  6. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    refers to the increased productivity that occurs when people and firms cluster together. This clustering ...

  7. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    renew for another $26 million for five additional years. “Our ongoing priority is to support the people ... quality of people’s lives – and we work to ensure that groundbreaking scientific discoveries are brought ...

  8. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    jobs than the number of people demanding work. Uminski stated that many companies and corporations are ... new and different skill sets.  Companies are also looking for people with skills in cutting-edge ... readiness, and develop career pathways to prepare young people with skills and knowledge for future jobs. ...

  9. Kindergarten: Nutrition and Fitness

    Family and Consumer Sciences. Bridgette Kidd, Healthy People Program Specialist, Family and Consumer ... People Program Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences. Pat Brinkman, Extension Educator, Family and ...

  10. Miralha to lead $4.9 million grant project to train water industry workforce in Ohio

    the training program. “We plan to train people who will get jobs at the end of each training level we ...
