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  1. Collaboration between CFAES Horticulture and Crop Science Professor Laura Lindsey, International Intern Program (TOP) and farmer Tom Hamilton Pays Dividends

    finding young people interested in international issues and agricultural experiences. The program does ... this by matching young people seeking training in crop and animal production with US-based ... is Ohio-based, but it places people from around the world in internships across the US and in several ...

  2. Focus On Meaningful Conversations: Tips On Sharing And Listening

    a safe space: Make people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and needs. Avoid distractions: Put away ... conversation.  Don’t make assumptions: Be open to learning from people who challenge your assumptions. Be ...

  3. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    virus that affects people each year, it can mutate and create a new strain which changes the species it ...

  4. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste In study, 1 in 4 users reports an increase in discarding food

    they tossed before starting the medications, a new study has found. In a survey of people currently on  ... drugs, compared to 61% who disagreed. People who were nauseated by the drugs were more likely to report ... food than people who had taken the medication for 90 days or fewer – about 30% of the respondents.  ...

  5. Saving Tips and Turkey Talk: How To Cut Meal Costs, Bake A Good Bird

    * Remember to consider portion sizes and the size of your plates will also influence how much people will ...

  6. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    most people think about 4-H they think of the fair. Once the fair is over then 4-H is done for the year ... volunteers to have a great banquet. We are expecting around 500 people to attend, from our volunteers, 4-H ...

  7. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    journey,” continued Shepherd. “Overall, it was an amazing experience with wonderful people, opportunities, ...

  8. Economic Outlook and Policy Webinar Series

    growth and sustained advances in agricul­tural productivity. For rural people in the region to be able to ...

  9. How to Join 4-H

    It is best to locate a club whose expectations and goals align with yours as a parent. Young people ...

  10. Two Recipes To Help You Get That Apple A Day

              Celebrate Your Plate is a SNAP-Ed initiative meant to help people lead healthier lives by ...
