
Search results

  1. Agronomic Systems: Stephanie Karhoff

    Social Media Facebook X Youtube Contact Stephanie  |  or 567-376-4019 ...

  2. Ohio’s Urban Ag in Ohio

    Introduction This online resource hub connects people and resources in ways that address the ... of Ohio’s agriculture community, many people recognize and contribute to the dyanmic urban context ... (scale- plenty of people, diversity- valued perspectives, complexity- multiple jurisdictions and issues, ...

  3. Urban Ag Production

    WHY Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, ... Ohio's urban, suburban, and rural communities. People are involved with urban ag production at home, ...

  4. Backyard Poultry Certificate Course Now Available

    increase in interest in keeping backyard poultry. Backyard flocks provide the opportunity for people in ...

  5. Extension Field Specialists

    Hawkins Agronomic Systems Stephanie Karhoff Agronomic Systems Greg LaBarge Beef Cattle Garth Ruff ...

  6. Organizational and Community Leadership Development: Brian Raison

    together resources- people, information, ideas, and processes- to positively affect outcomes larger than ...

  7. Counting Your Money Calendar (PDF)

    Counting Your Money Calendar Financial well-being occurs when people can fully meet current and ...

  8. Cheryl Buck — Extension Communication Manager; Interim Assistant Director, Extension Publishing

    connections for people – with resources they need, experts within Extension and the college, and media or ... optimized for search engines and mobile devices, and easily accessible to people with disabilities in ...

  9. Pat Bebo — Assistant Director, Family and Consumer Sciences

    partner for many of our local nutrition and family wellness experts to help build healthy people, who have ...

  10. Cloverbud Information

    People’s Choice Best Name/Theme Most Creative Highest number of veggies and fruits used in construction ...
