
Search results

  1. Agronomic Systems: Stephanie Karhoff

    Social Media Facebook X Youtube Contact Stephanie  |  or 567-376-4019 ...

  2. Extension Field Specialists

    Hawkins Agronomic Systems Stephanie Karhoff Agronomic Systems Greg LaBarge Beef Cattle Garth Ruff ...

  3. Organizational and Community Leadership Development: Brian Raison

    together resources- people, information, ideas, and processes- to positively affect outcomes larger than ...

  4. Counting Your Money Calendar (PDF)

    Counting Your Money Calendar Financial well-being occurs when people can fully meet current and ...

  5. CFAES Peer Mentor Program

    and devoted people.  It has been wonderful to be able to meet new people within the program who all ... for the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. I have met many people that have ... a graduating class of less than a 100 people, OSU was very daunting. Especially being someone who did not grow ...

  6. Cheryl Buck — Extension Communication Manager; Interim Assistant Director, Extension Publishing

    connections for people – with resources they need, experts within Extension and the college, and media or ... optimized for search engines and mobile devices, and easily accessible to people with disabilities in ...

  7. Pat Bebo — Assistant Director, Family and Consumer Sciences

    partner for many of our local nutrition and family wellness experts to help build healthy people, who have ...

  8. Assistance Animals in Action

    Learn more about how animals, especially dogs, can “lend a paw” to help people! In this project, ...

  9. Trauma Informed Approaches (TIA) Trainings

    professional wheelhouse?  Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different ... types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from ...

  10. Trauma Informed Approaches (TIA) Trainings

    professional wheelhouse?  Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different ... types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from ...
