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  1. Farm Accounting Workshop with Quicken

    example farm data to an OSU Extension office near you. Cost: $65 per farm business (2 people per computer) ...

  2. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests

    method. Some people object to it because it creates temporarily unattractive areas. However, the initial ...

  3. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    Sourcebooks, Inc. Stephen R. Covey (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in ...

  4. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills

    people who differ from you.  Understanding your MBTI is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with ...

  5. Engaging Multiple Voices and Ideas- Effective Facilitation

    effective at facilitating people through processes that provide useful information and data in making ...

  6. Leading Self and Others Through Change online

    people; • Identifying and gaining insights to your change style preference by completing Discovery ... support them; • Recognizing common reasons people resist change and their respective implications to the ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...

  7. Problem-Solving, Creatiivty and Teamwork for Success

    a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...

  8. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    habits of successful and effective people, and how they might benefit you as the leader of your farm or ... goodie," The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey, laid the early ... differences to create a well-functioning whole. We can summarize habits 4, 5, and 6 by saying effective people ...

  9. Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success online

    a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...

  10. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI) online

    people who differ from you.  Understanding your MBTI is self-affirming and encourages cooperation with ...
