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  1. Shin-Yi Marzano   - Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  2. Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts

    Sunday worship services at this church, working with an adult Sunday School class to help people in the ...

  3. Canning Season Tips & Tricks, And Safety Measures Too

    attest, that it’s been more than preservation, it’s a tradition.  I can’t tell you the number of people ...

  4. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    Month. The goal of this month is to educate people about the dangers of UV rays and the effects that ...

  5. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    Month. The goal of this month is to educate people about the dangers of UV rays and the effects that ...

  6. Youth Summer Garden Learning Series

    food and nurturing ourselves and the people and world around us.  You'll grow your own vegetables, ...

  7. Youth Summer Garden Learning Series

    food and nurturing ourselves and the people and world around us.  You'll grow your own vegetables, ...

  8. Plant Pathology Seminars

    seminar (Dr. Jonathan Jacobs, advisor) April 22-  Stephanie Preising, Cornell University (PPGSA Guest ...

  9. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    I behave, some people will be mean-spirited, dishonest, irresponsible, and unkind, but if I fight fire with ... change my life, but they are also contagious, and they can change the lives of people I interact with. ...

  10. Wayne County Jr. Fair

    sales. Some people come to the fair every year and buy one or more animals but without new buyers a time ... to. Don’t forget to send letters to people who have previously bought your project animals.    Here is ...
