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How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste
a survey of people currently on GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic, 25% of respondents agreed they had ... wasted more food since taking the drugs, compared to 61% who disagreed. People who were nauseated by the ... food than people who had taken the medication for 90 days or fewer – about 30% of the respondents. ...
Empowering youth: Ohio delegation takes part in 30th Global Youth Institute
impacting people worldwide,” Overholt-Seckel said. “The ideas and passion these young leaders bring to the ... people through education and leadership development. This opportunity connects Ohio youth with pathways ... Civittolo, interim associate dean and director of OSU Extension. “Ohio is proud to support young people ...
Important Dates
open Thursday, Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Day: no classes, offices closed Friday, Nov. 29 Indigenous Peoples ...
Ohio State Drought Rapid Response Team provides resources for farmers amid worsening weather conditions
periods,” said Stephanie Karhoff, OSU Extension field specialist in agronomic systems. “This leads to lower ... Stephanie Karhoff 567-376-4019 Garth Ruff 740-305-3201 Jason Hartschuh ... mobilizing people and resources to address issues of concern to crop and livestock producers in Ohio that are ...
Ohio State empowers student veterans in their academic journey
doubt we succeed most when we are surrounded with a team of people who can provide the guidance, wisdom, ... explained. “Many of us leave these events having connected with a couple of people who become new teammates, ...
From field to community: CFAES donates pumpkins to brighten Star House Halloween
of blemishes. A range of sizes and colors makes for a festive display, and I always encourage people ...
Dia de los Muertos Ofrendas
a beautiful cultural experience. It can also be a place where people may find something that makes sense to ...
Strategic Alignment and Plan
of 467 people provided input during one of our 21 in person meetings (and an additional 522 people ... operations, facilities, efficiencies, and processes. People want to find the best way possible to serve our ... able to engage with people from diverse backgrounds around issues of food, agriculture, and the ...
Beautiful but harmful: The spotted lanternfly’s growing threat in Ohio
stakeholders about the spotted lanternfly’s life cycle. “By using the egg scraper, people can engage directly ... with the issue,” Leach said. “Removing an egg mass reduces spotted lanternfly numbers and helps people ...
a lifetime! In 4-H, we believe in developing young people who are confident, hard-working, determined, ...