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Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day (observed)- Lucas County Extension Office Closed
Ohio Victory Garden Seed Distribution, Uptown Green Park Location
plant a garden, and empower people to grow some of their own food. Lucas County is one of the 50 ...
Ohio Victory Gardens Seed Distribution, OSU at TBG Location
plant a garden, and empower people to grow some of their own food. Lucas County is one of the 50 ...
2022 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Class
provided an opportunity for you to spend sometime outdoors. While some people had an extra-long weekend, ...
Do You Get the Winter Blues?
now. During this time of year, many people often begin expressing a feeling of sadness or mild ... depression. Did you know that feeling sad during this time of year is very typical, and many people suffer ... Loss of appetite, having low energy, or thoughts of suicide. Many people are often ashamed or worried ...
Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility
research, psychoanalyst Albert Ellis (1997, 2016) reminds us that people and events do not upset us. Rather, ... we upset ourselves by what we think, or believe, about those people and events. When we are upset, we ... thinking, or beliefs, about people and events, we may reduce our negative emotions, and respond more ...
2021 Farm Science Review to be live and in person
host of Farm Science Review, which brings in more than 100,000 people annually. Kress called the event ... to the people of Ohio and beyond.” Jacqueline Kirby Wilkins, a CFAES associate dean and the director ... directory, both designed to help people navigate the grounds. “Our staff has strived to make it easier for ...
Can Animals Spread Disease to Humans?
traveling or enjoying some outdoor activities, many people might encounter animals in either an urban or ... rural setting. Animals provide many benefits to people such as food, fiber, travel, sport, ... companionship, and education. However, animals can sometimes carry harmful pathogens that can spread to people ...
State-of-the-Art Animal Facility Coming to Ohio State
more people involved in what we do.” “I think visitors will walk away having learned so much more than ... people’s foods come from and to understand the process.”John Foltz Pigs like to play ball. A 6- or 8-pound ... setting to better understand where people’s foods come from and to understand the process,” Foltz said. ...
Avian Inflenza Update
viruses without appearing sick, people should minimize direct contact with wild birds by using gloves. If ...