
Search results

  1. Organizational Development

    improving an organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, ...

  2. Fulbrighters Experience Research Opportunities, Ohio’s People and Culture

    Fulbrighters Experience Research Opportunities, Ohio’s People and Culture Bringing internationals ... do with farming and life because farming as a business is so integrated into people’s lives that you ... can’t separate the business from the family or the people. While the scale of many of the operations was ...

  3. Program Development Model

    research-based knowledge to the people of Ohio, with the intent of strengthening lives and creating positive ... (Allison Nichols, Stephanie M. Blake, Scott Chazdon, Rama Radhakrishna) To read / download article 6, click ...

  4. Brazilians See Enough of OSU in a Single Day to Return for Graduate Studies

    (TOP) which has opened doors for over 15,000 young people, from Ohio or from around the world, over the ...

  5. Animal Sciences Bullish about on-Animal Sensors Project with Australia’s CQUniversity

    around the clock and are sensitive enough to detect minute changes that people do not notice. For cattle ...

  6. Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences Feb. 10, 5 pm

    Sustainability        Institute. His research and teaching focus on how people work together to solve ...

  7. Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences

    how people work together to solve environmental problems. He is particularly interested in ...

  8. Ohio State among Peace Corps’ 2020 top volunteer-producing schools

    to helping people in interested countries meet their need for trained men and women. The university ... others, both at home and abroad, and that the people we serve always have a lot to teach us as well; this ...

  9. Accessibility

    accessible to people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that ... events welcoming to everyone. Providing access is more than getting people through the gate, it also ...

  10. Digital Engagement Toolkit

    these days, it’s safe to say that  most  people are using at least one social platform. When considering ...
