
Search results

  1. Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption

    problematic among people consuming raw milk who are susceptible to foodborne illness, such as pregnant women, ...

  2. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    contact to decide on the best course of treatment, while avoiding exposure to other people. Inform a local ...

  3. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    Blacklegged ticks, also called deer ticks, are blood-feeding parasites that may infect people, horses, and ... because they are most active at times of year when people are outdoors with exposed skin. Other diseases ...

  4. Is a Prenuptial Agreement Right for Your Farm Business?

    Agreement? A prenuptial agreement (prenup) in its simplest form is a written contract between two people ...

  5. Timber Sale Contracts

    arbitration board, if needed, consists of three people, one named by each of the parties to the contract, and ... witnessed by two people, notarized, and recorded with the County Recorder. In closing, it is important to ...

  6. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    to determine because many people attribute their illness to the stomach flu. The local health ... spread due to the close proximity of large numbers of people. Impacted Foods and Appropriate Food ...

  7. Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business

    threaten your farm? Who Should You Involve? Generally speaking, the people most directly involved with the ...

  8. Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer's sufferers will wander. Wandering is especially dangerous for people who live and work in ... bathroom, bedroom or dining room. Checks the whereabouts of familiar people. Acts as if doing a hobby or ...

  9. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    People’s Daily Online (2022), according to data from the country’s National Agro-Tech Extension and Service ... provide a trained team (usually two to three people) to operate the aircraft. A rapid proliferation of ... away from any dwelling, people, or animals. Regardless of the spray equipment, special attention is ...

  10. mRNA Vaccines: The Next Generation Tool to Fight Infections

    to cause illness in its natural host. These defective pathogens can then be given to healthy people ... useful for:  replacing proteins that are missing in some sick people. creating vaccines.    mRNA Vaccine ... before it is given to large numbers of people. The FDA regulates the approval of new technology in the ...
