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  1. Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success

    a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...

  2. North American Manure Expo

    The North American Manure Expo returns to Ohio in 2025! Join us July 30-31 at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio where attendees will experience top-tier local tours, live equipment demonstrations, education sessions and ample networking at th ...

  3. Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success online

    a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...

  4. Strickler receives Ohio State Distinguished Service Award at 2024 autumn commencement

    generations of young people who have benefited from the opportunities he helped create.” Strickler has also ...

  5. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2024 Autumn Graduation

    look back to the whole experience and the great people I met. Mehr received a master’s degree and was ... compete with so many great, intelligent people. I’d like to thank Dr. Simons and all my fellow lab mates ...

  6. December 2024 Department Highlights

    of their favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. ...

  7. Soil Health Webinar Series- Soil Health in the Urban Sphere

    In this monthly series, farmers, industry, and academic experts will weigh in on practical steps to improve soil health and measure impact on crop yield and farm profitability. Please plan to join us for all four sessions! This session will focus on soil ...

  8. Soil Health Webinar Series- Understanding the Basics and Practicalities of Biologicals

    In this monthly series, farmers, industry, and academic experts will weigh in on practical steps to improve soil health and measure impact on crop yield and farm profitability. Please plan to join us for all four sessions! This session will cover the basi ...

  9. Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop

    No grain marketing experience is required.  This in-person workshop offers education and farm ready strategies on topics such as: basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed pric ...

  10. Tory Gabriel Winner of the 2024 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award

    person has made a lasting impact on both the people and the environment. While many of us might consider ... people, their efforts continue to ensure the long-term health of Lake Erie and its surrounding ...
