
Search results

  1. Dr. Anna Parkman reappointed as Professor of Practice

    outstanding people in CFAES who received promotions and reappointments. See the full list here>>> ...

  2. New research by Associate Professor Anne Fitzpatrick shows that remedial education at the secondary school level improves learning by 58%

    level. The researchers partnered with Transform Schools, People for Action (PFA), and the Odisha ...

  3. Policy Brief explains the overall success in Holmes and Mercer Counties reflected in their relative advantages from a vigorous small-business community, entrepreneurship, QoL, and social connectedness.

    people in their communities. In the brief, it explains why this focus on small/new firms has a bigger ...

  4. Follow Your Passion

    Hollingsworth  Dr. Brian Roe "How do people interpret certain food labeling claims such as “organic,” ...

  5. Christie Engler

    understands the unique needs of entrepreneurs and how to best partner with them to achieve ‘people ...

  6. H. Allen Klaiber

    blooms on peoples’ choices; and (4) measuring the impact of changes in climate and severe weather on ... peoples’ decision making and wellbeing. This research has resulted in the publication of 30 peer-reviewed ...

  7. Household Food Waste Taxes: Findings from South Korea, Lessons for the U.S.

    Environmental Quality and Yvette Cabrera, Director, Food Waste, People & Communities Program at the National ...

  8. AEDE Extension Team Visits Lynd Fruit Farm

    hats,” said Brian Lynd. “There’s a lot of people that depend on you to get a crop across the finish line. ... workers and having the same people year after year; you could tell the human connection was something he ... annually. During its busiest times on fall weekends, Lynd’s can see over 100 people enter and exit their ...

  9. White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions

    impacts. The forum brought together more than 800 people – including representatives from universities and ...

  10. Master of Applied Economics Job Market Panel

    of time and prepare them for what's to come.  The most valuable part for me was the people ...
