
Search results

  1. [WORKSHOP] The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    people of all genders. This 2-hour workshop will address why pronouns matter, the history of singular ... reaching thousands of people. His expertise spans a wide range of DEI topics, with a particular focus on ...

  2. Indigenous People's Day (Observed)- Offices closed


  3. Training & Workshops

    Organic Vegetables for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, and Healthy People. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm ...

  4. Presentations

    People. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) annual conference held in Dayton, Ohio, Feb. 15, ...

  5. New video series Project Journal debuts

    us tell our stories in a way that is mindful of people’s busy schedules, filmed and presented in ... growing strawberries in an aquaponics system. “The initial idea simply came from multiple people asking ...

  6. CFAES DEI Speaker Series

    environmental sciences. The speaker series strives to center the voices of people from minoritized populations ...

  7. Ann Luther

    has a strong background in building relationships with people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. She ...

  8. Grants

    know. Scammers pressure people to divulge their bank account information so that they can steal the ...

  9. (Speaker Series) Indigenous Right Relations: Shifting Power and Land Forward

    of Indigenous Peoples throughout North America, with a few examples of how they have engaged locally ... by Indigenous Peoples often achieves better outcomes for our lands, waters, and climate than ... reach their most ambitious 2030 goals for our climate, waters, oceans, biodiversity, and people alike. ...

  10. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization ...
