
Search results

  1. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Melvin Pascall

    acceptance of all peoples. Speak out against instances of unfairness. Finally, treat others in a way that ...

  2. Taking Care of Business

    gathering place where business-minded people of the predominantly rural community can meet, learn, and even ... advice or mentoring,” he added. “As a small business, you have to rely on people who understand what it ... based on the completion of the challenges.” Casano is currently being tested by around 100 people in ...

  3. April 2019 Highlights

    Xiang Li, and Sok Lin Ang were recognized for placing in the CFAES UG Research Forum; Stephanie Scoggins ...

  4. New OSHA obligations for a post-COVID 19 world

    thinking of bringing people back to work, they will be wise to realize the new virus means permanent ...

  5. Chow Line: Make better choices for healthier chili (for 10/3/10) Editor: This column was reviewed by Stephanie Hillman, dietetic intern in the Department of Human ... Nutrition in the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Stephanie Hillman chow.chili_.pdf ...

  6. Looking for a COVID-19 early warning

    waste by people infected with COVID-19 — even when they don't have symptoms — wastewater monitoring ...

  7. Meet CranChee: OSU Students Win Ocean Spray Contest

    able to use the pilot plant for production. We had a hard time gathering people to do sensory tests,” ...

  8. Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases

    people sick, but rather that they are the suspected source of pathogenic E. coli that has sickened some ... 58 people in Canada. Several people in the United States have also become ill from a strain of E. ... interviewing sick people to determine what they ate in the weeks before their illnesses started, the agency ...

  9. March 2019 Highlights

    Kosmerl, Elliot Dhuey Social and Volunteer Chair: Brenna Kilbarger OVIFT Liaison: Stephanie Scoggins CFAES ...

  10. Sarah Swanson: The smiling face of South Centers

    variety of people she gets to work with, and because every day is a unique challenge. “The work is ... talented people. Here at South Centers, we have people representing many different age groups, ethnicities, ...
