
Search results

  1. Purdue online meeting

    cancelled. It was a short notice and I hope it's not too late to let other people know room 245 become ...

  2. April EPN Breakfast Club and Columbus GreenSpotLight 2016 Awards

    wrapping up with awards celebrating the top GreenSpot people and places for 2016.   More information: ...

  3. Peter P. Ling

    Lansing,Stephanie,L; Martin,Jay,F, "Use of an ecological treatment system (ETS) for removal of nutrients from ... Chiapas, Mexico" Proceedings for the 5th Biennial Emergy Research Conference 2009. Lansing, Stephanie ...

  4. Meet Celene Gielink: Not Your Traditional Engineer

    once they step out of their comfort zones.  Celene encourages people not to take no for an answer and ...

  5. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Presented by David Marthey (Advisor) We have reserved the OSU charter bus again this year for people that ...

  6. Majoring in Construction Gets More Popular

    change their major, but also people coming back to college to change their career,” Coleman said. To ...

  7. OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff

    mental attitude that is contagious. Her spirit keeps people engaged.”   Service awards also went to the ...

  8. A showcase for farming’s new science and tech

    lines. Expected total attendance is more than 110,000 people. That’s more than fit in Ohio Stadium. Read ...

  9. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    replace people." McPheron said the university was in a position to move forward with the construction ... a building," but to recognize a core investment in people, those who will work on new challenges. Arriving at ... this point also took a lot of people willing to do heavy lifting, Slack said. Among them were U.S. ...

  10. Wheat Field Day

    researchers are describing during the classroom portion of the programing, Lindsey said. “People get more out ... of field days because they can gain the visual examples of what the data provides, so that people can ...
