
Search results

  1. Agribusiness and Applied Economics student's path paved by his trust in himself, his future and FFA

    compliment my passions." Passions that include people, thriving in business, and being a part of ...

  2. 4-H WORLD CHANGERS Virtual

    In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people. Through self-chosen projects, kids are paired ...

  3. Farm Office Live Webinar

    people. Recordings will be posted on the following day. For Monday evening April 6th, ...

  4. SNAP-Ed Challenge

    We know the stay at home order likely has many people tired of the same old recipes. For this ...

  5. A Note from AEDE Chair

    Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment Webinar On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 10:00 ... for People and the Environment Webinar  through keynotes and panel discussions to help us better ...

  6. The roots of slowing climate change are in trees

    energy sources on the electric grid, having more people drive electric cars and hybrids, and increasing ...

  7. Senior Series at the Well Beyond 60! Expo

    happy the amount of people we reached more than doubled this year because it means we truly are ... fulfilling our mission of engaging people,” said Loretta Sweeney. You may learn more about the Senior Series ...

  8. Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19

    often. A group of researchers with the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative  recently surveyed 500 people ... expected to eat versus what they actually consumed. They found that in general, people overestimated how ...

  9. Much Fridge Food 'Goes There to Die'

    in part by ambiguous date labels on packages, a new study has found.  "People eat a lot less of ... 'best by' labels mean and people think they are a safety indicator when they are generally ... translate to "Toss it." Other findings from the new study:  People who cleaned out their ...

  10. Partners for Healthy Living

    and manages affordable, permanent housing for people challenged by mental health conditions, substance ... SNAP-Ed helps low-income people around our state make healthy food and lifestyle choices. Click  here  for ...
