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  1. COVID-19 Updates and Resources

    pandemic, many people are grocery shopping online for the first time. If you have never shopped for ... of people with COVID-19 lack symptoms and can transmit the virus to others in close proximity, ...

  2. ODA Warns Not to Plant Unsolicited Seeds

    on them. Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across ...

  3. When pesticide drifts: what next?

    targets such as crops, trees and other vegetation, animals, and people, and can raise questions of ...

  4. Tough Work Curriculum

    serve as first responders to families in crisis. Tough Work, Understanding and Serving People in Poverty ... provides information and support to equip volunteers and staff who work with people in poverty.  There are ... four session topics: Persistent Poverty: Definitions, Causes and Beliefs Working with People in ...

  5. Healthy Finances

    families, and through reaching people in their own homes through distance education. To learn more about ...

  6. Dalapon

    dalapon in drinking water is runoff from herbicide used on rights of way. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who ...

  7. Live Healthy Live Well Blog

    Seeing the Scale with 20/20 Vision in 2020 by Carol Smathers Overweight and healthy? People who ... Improve Sleep Lack of sleep affects our moods. Recent studies find people with major depressive disorders ... apartment, college dorm or friends from across town. Your “neighbors” might be people you see regularly from ...

  8. Fluoride

    2 ppm or below fluoride provides dental protection. However, some people who drink water containing ...

  9. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    and people. When one case is discovered at a fair, more often than not, several cases are found at the ... what prevention measures are taken at the fairs and how often they are used to keep people and animals ... H3N2. In animals and people, the clinical signs of influenza can include fever, a runny nose, coughing ...

  10. ChopChop Kids Club Newsletter Archive

    share a great meal with the people you love.  Volume 15: Cucumbers (PDF) This week we’re making Smashed ... and that’s okay! You can make our burger recipe with or for any father figures or other special people in ...
