
Search results

  1. Family and Consumer Sciences

    Better Lives, Stronger Communities OSU Extension family and consumer sciences (FCS) gives people ... food practices, better nutrition, better finances and better relationships – helping people acquire the ... of people’s lives. We work to make information accessible to all Ohioans. You can count on FCS to ...

  2. EcoErek to the Rescue: Denim Collection at the 2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day To arrange interviews please contact Stephanie Verhoff at 419-796-0055 or email ..., or Leslie Risch at 614-292-4278 or email Stephanie Verhoff False False False ...

  3. Classes from January 2021 to April 2021

    edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have ... pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have trained in ... editing and content management, including how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and the ...

  4. New Dietary Guidelines for 2020-2025

    children and teens are overweight or obese. Additionally in the United States, 75 percent of people have ... information allows people to make an informed decision about what foods and beverages they decide to consume. ...

  5. Spending Biases

    people fill this capacity with more immediate rather than long term things. Exponential growth bias: Time ... Aversion: For some people, transferring money into savings seems like they are losing it, or at least losing ...

  6. Classes from July 2020 to December 2020

    edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have ... pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who have trained in ... editing and content management, including how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and the ...

  7. 25 students receive American FFA Degree

    Bailey Wagner Stephanie Wuebben Community Leadership Scott McDermott Rachel Stoneburner   ...

  8. ACEL undergraduates complete in research forums

    completed will help them in their future careers to improve the communities, programs and people they will ...

  9. 4-H Camps Return This Summer

    for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to become more independent, confident, and ...

  10. Ohio State Helps Develop Money Management Tool Available Online

    one of four researchers involved in the project. The principal investigator is Stephanie Moulton of ... continue to be refined, and people who are using it are providing constructive feedback as well as positive ...
