
Search results

  1. Technology, Automation, Work & Extension

    impact how people shop for food, but also how people shop in general. With goals for increased ...

  2. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF): a Game Changer for the Worldwide Livestock Production

    Health Engineering (technology for healthy people). Daniel is co-author of over 300 scientific articles ...

  3. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Franklin & Crawford County

    front of a livestock show arena, and talked with people as they walked about the fairgrounds. We played ... opportunities they provide. The majority of people we spoke with in Franklin County were consumers, which was ...

  4. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: 1 Week, 3 County Fairs

    were happy to share the word of sustainability and the contributions of agriculture with the people of ... different types of people, but one thing that everyone shares is an appreciation for sustainable practices. ...

  5. CD Wire- October 5, 2020

    Natural Resources, Food and Agriculture, and People and Communities. The new centralized resource is ... people actively connecting with research, asking questions, and sharing in the discovery process. The KX ...

  6. Extension Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Abby Schnieider- 740-253-0181 Local people attedning Panera Bread catering Tuesday, ...

  7. Extension Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Abby Schnieider- 740-253-0181 Local people attedning Panera Bread catering Monday, ...

  8. J. Miller

    245 Hello, I’d like to find a room in FABE for approx. 8-14 people for the following date. Can you ...

  9. Sustainable Choices For Music Festivals

    festival for life if attendees carpool, offers a bottle exchange program, and more to motivate people to be ... products to lessen your carbon footprint and be more sustainable. Nowadays, many people like to wear ... camping for the duration of the festival. Many people bring their own tents to these festivals, but will ...

  10. CD Wire- July 6, 2020

    microfiber cloth and wipe device gently. Learn more. Clorox wipe warning:  Many people have probably used ... People have had to alter their typical lifestyle, and the measures put into effect to reduce the spread ...
