
Search results

  1. Difficult Conversations: Communicating Effectively Across Difference

    is very different from you and didn't know how to approach it? Conversations between people with ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future announces youth engagement app

    Suitable to design BuckeyeNext, an app in which young people earn points for activities, event attendance, ...

  3. The Ohio State University and Innergex Renewable Energy partner to bring Immersive Farming Experience to Ohioans

    degrees of real-life videos. Most of the videos feature vantage points from locations where people cannot ... a futuristic and innovative way for people to learn about agriculture and many other topics, and we’re pleased ... Extension professionals throughout the state bring people and ideas together to help CFAES sustain life. ...

  4. Workshop: The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    people of all genders. This 90-minute workshop will address why pronouns matter, the history of singular ...

  5. Taste of Franklin County

    Franklin County Farm Bureau has been bringing people together for over 100 years and believes in ...

  6. Success Coaching

    help students identify resources and people in their support networks they can rely on while they ...

  7. Taste of Franklin County

    Franklin County Farm Bureau has been bringing people together for over 100 years and believes in ...

  8. Diversity and Social Justice Glossary

    people with illness, disabilities, or less developed skills/ talents. Able-bodied: A person who does not ... Adultism: Prejudiced thoughts and discriminatory actions against young people, in favor of older person(s). ... lesbians, transgender people); typically, a member of dominant group allying for a member or members of ...

  9. Take Charge of Diabetes for the Holidays

    a variety of challenges for people living with diabetes. Join Jenny Lobb, Registered Dietitian and OSU ...

  10. The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    people of all genders and can even substantially reduce the occurrence of depression, anxiety, and ... nonbinary people. Register ...
