
Search results

  1. People Make their Cooperatives Go and Grow: Reflections on a Timeless Idea

    The timeless idea that it is people who make their cooperative go and grow is celebrating its 50th ...

  2. New Extension Public Health AmeriCorps Recruiting Volunteers

    Ohio locations, so this opportunity is available to people across the state. Corps members are paired ... about this project at:  Click here for ...

  3. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  4. First-Year Experience

    an amazing experience. I was able to meet so many new people and be introduced to all different kinds ... introduce you to new people, and generally be there as your first contact/friend at OSU. They will also ...

  5. Apsley Receives ODNR’s Cardinal Award

    chosen to serve the people of Ohio through his work with Extension – and as he approaches retirement, we ...

  6. Save the Date: 17th Annual Stinner Summit November 13th

    a pioneer in regenerative agriculture research and a great connector of people. Each year the Stinner Summit ...

  7. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  8. Celebrating Excellence via A&P and Faculty Promotion

    Cole (Seneca 4-H), Michelle Fehr (Guernsey 4-H), Beth Guggenbiller (Mercer 4-H), Stephanie Karhoff ...

  9. NEAFCS Endowment Committee Announces Two Grant Winners

    for People-Centered Sciences  Project Synopsis: Create an Ohio Alliance for Family and Consumer ... Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting FCS Educators by embracing and activating Ohio’s statewide people ...

  10. Frequently Asked Questions

    study? Will I need a parking pass? Are there any programs for people over the age of 60? Can I enroll in ... free parking on campus at ATI. 14. Are there any programs for people over the age of 60? Yes. The ... University offers "Program 60" which grants people who are 60 or older the opportunity to ...
