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Wooster Science Cafe: May 19th
about the answers to these questions now and how people thought about them during the era in which ...
Dr. Brian Raison
Agricultural Extension Education. Brian's primary focus is on bringing together resources- people ...
Farm Science Review 2020
requires any event which is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and ...
Halfway There Bullet Journal Worskhop
together. She brings decades of experience in instructing, supporting, and inspiring people to discover ...
All Day Art at the SAC
complete a project at the SAC! Spaces are limited to 9 people per hour so sign up fast to secure your time ...
Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities resources
is considered as part of all service and support plans for people with disabilities. Community ...
Burned out caring for someone? Attend this workshop
COLUMBUS, Ohio—As people age and some become disabled, they may need a caregiver, and while that ... workshop is for people who care for someone who is disabled or sick, adult children concerned about aging ... discussion. “People will learn relaxation techniques. They can vent. They can ask, ‘What do I do now?’” ...
Membership Recruitment and Retention
individuals and what your group hopes to accomplish. People usually join an organization that meets their ... organization to get and keep people involved in your activities, to include them in your decision-making and ... everyone in the planning of a program. When people feel ownership for an activity, they are more likely to ...
All Day Art
and complete a project at the SAC! Spaces are limited to 9 people per hour so sign up fast to secure ...
Student Org Update on In-Person Events
and tabling activities, even those of 10 people or fewer, will once again be prohibited. This ...