
Search results

  1. SENR Announcements, November 22

    short films to activity plans – that aim to educate people about a complex environmental issue that ...

  2. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

    anonymous and available 24/7.   What have the benefits been? • Almost 5 million people have contacted the ...

  3. Farms branching out: Expanding opportunities for agroforestry markets, connections, and conservation

    collaborative Ohio Interagency Forestry Team.. Stephanie Chizmar, Ph.D. Dr. Chizmar is a Research Economist with ...

  4. Sayeed Mehmood

    often in conflict with each other. People’s perceptions and attitudes about natural resources, their ...

  5. A chat may help convert a peer to a pro-sustainability stance

    a conversation or written exchange helped coax people who held anti-sustainability views toward support for an ... environmentally friendly initiative.  Results also showed that people with a pro-sustainability viewpoint were not ... issues, people can get entrenched in their views, but we find that this is not always the case, at least ...

  6. People Make their Cooperatives Go and Grow: Reflections on a Timeless Idea

    The timeless idea that it is people who make their cooperative go and grow is celebrating its 50th ...

  7. Get ready to jump-start your internship search

    supporting your peers in a casual, friendly environment where people are eager to give you advice and answer ...

  8. New Extension Public Health AmeriCorps Recruiting Volunteers

    Ohio locations, so this opportunity is available to people across the state. Corps members are paired ... about this project at:  Click here for ...

  9. Small Business

    accelerate Ohio's economy by helping people start, sustain, and grow their business. The SBDC provides ...

  10. Fish Farming Resources

    started and difficult to make money on a small scale. However, we have seen success with people starting ...
