
Search results

  1. Marestail Control in Wheat Stubble- Part 2: Cover Crop Considerations

    Following last week’s article about marestail control in wheat stubble, a number of people asked ...

  2. Lee Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

    university’s mission of creating the knowledge and discoveries that make a difference in people’s lives.” With ...

  3. EPA Proposes Changes to the Certification and Training of Pesticide Applicators

    EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0183. Learn more about the proposal and certification for pesticide applicators: ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-36

    reports show 5 people died from auger entanglements, 4 died from a fall or being struck by an object at ... nuisance and is dangerous to people of all ages, especially children.  Children should never be allowed to ... a tag to the locked switch so that other people involved can positively identify it. Never enter a grain ...

  5. 2017 Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium- Waldo

    Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture.  Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, ...

  6. I Need to Learn Twitter and Facebook!

    primarily targeted to people with little or limited experience with social media.  Part of the session will ...

  7. Dr. Karen Mancl

    obstacles along a unique path to success. “In the 1970s and 1980s, the vision that people had was that ...

  8. News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success

    building partnerships with key student resource people in the College of Food, Agriculture, and ...

  9. Late-Season Scouting for Palmer Amaranth

    concerned people. Credit is especially given to the entire staff of one dealership in western Ohio who took ...

  10. Celebrate Local Foods Week, August 7-13, 2016

    “local” food. When making food decisions, many people consider where their food was grown or raised and ...
