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  1. Secretary of Agriculture: Ohio State's Ag Research Plays 'Essential Role' in Health Issues

    safer eggs and creating products with the potential to reduce the risk of cancer. But not enough people ... Sciences on June 28, touring facilities in the Department of Food Science and Technology. "Many people ... the university, and is now nearing commercialization. "We want to get more young people excited ...

  2. When Science Isn't Enough: Communicating in a Complex World

    society, why people keep believing myths around food and agriculture, and how we can build our ...

  3. For some things, Columbus is still the best test market

    people to physically test a product. That’s especially true for food testing because people have such ...

  4. Innovative Women in Agbiosciences Seminar

    We have an excellent panel of scientists and food-sector business people who will share the ...

  5. Chow Line: Nearly one in 100 need to avoid gluten (for 6/12/11)

    why don’t people want it? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It’s also in spelt, ... elasticity to bread dough. So, obviously, a lot of people actually do want it. But some people-- estimates ... say one in every 133 people, in fact-- have trouble digesting this particular protein. The condition, ...

  6. Chow Line: Just how much vitamin D is enough? (for 3/1/09)

    Medicine, which indicated that the current recommended amounts may be too low for many people. Some experts ... are suggesting intakes of 800 to 1,000 IU a day, especially for people who are more at risk of having ... during the winter, many people don't get that much sun exposure. And, people with dark skin have ...

  7. Chow Line: Try different tactics to maintain weight loss (for 7/31/11)

    Associated with Weight Loss Versus Weight-Loss Maintenance,” the researchers examined practices of people who ... were successful at losing weight and those of people who were successful at maintaining their weight ... loss. They identified 36 practices used by at least 10 percent of the people surveyed. Interestingly, ...

  8. Chow Line: New findings shed light on diverticulosis (2/10/12)

    outward from the colon wall. It gets more common as you age, particularly over age 60. Many people who ... stemmed from a low-fiber diet, but findings from a study of 2,100 people recently published in the journal ... Gastroenterology casts doubt on that theory. In fact, the researchers found that people who reported the lowest ...

  9. OARDC scientists nab national honors; have ‘positive impact on society’

    that make a difference in people’s lives.” Also in December, Katrina Cornish  (below), professor in the ... knowledge and discoveries that make a difference in people’s lives.”—Michael V. Drake Impact: Good food and ...

  10. Secrest Arboretum

    Although it is a research arboretum, over 7,000 people visit the gardens annually. The Ohio Nursery, ...
