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  1. Gender Issues: Preparing Children for a Lifetime of Success

    Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension For many years, people believed that ... fact, during that era, many people began to argue that women and men are far more similar than they are ... an area in which gender differences are well documented. But now, think about a group of people you ...

  2. Secondary Injury Prevention: Heat Stress

    Engineering, The Ohio State University People with a pre-existing condition, such as limited mobility, heart ... People need to be reacclimatized to the heat after any "time off" or hospitalization. Eight ... body. • People with epilepsy, heart, kidney, or liver disease, are on fluid-restricted diets, or have ...

  3. Eating Disorders Awareness: Binge Eating Disorder

    thirds and so on until we experience feelings of discomfort due to overeating. For some people, this ... a short period of time than most people would eat under similar circumstances, with episodes marked by ... proven effective in helping people overcome this disorder (Adis Medical Writers, 2015). Antidepressants ...

  4. Before You Say “I Do” Again

    Leader, Top of Ohio Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Most people ... remarried people see divorce as an option for ending marital problems than do couples from first marriages. ... adult's age. It's not all doom and gloom though. Many studies show that remarried people are about as ...

  5. Campylobacteriosis: A Concern for Parents with Young Children and Other Young Adults

    syndrome. This syndrome usually causes paralysis. While most people who contract campylobacteriosis recover ... in the United States. What is the Treatment for Campylobacteriosis? Most people infected with ... by contact with feces, people with active diarrhea, especially those who are unable to control their ...

  6. Communicating Your Organization’s Message

    difference it makes in the lives of the people it serves. Effectively communicating your organization message ...

  7. Preventing Heart Disease

    damage. For most people, living by a few basic principles can prevent a heart attack. Regular Health ... Screenings High blood pressure and high cholesterol damage the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, people ... of exercise—which may be true. For most people, everyday exercise is not the same as meaningful ...

  8. First Grade: Cybersafety—Is Your Child Safe Online?

    is most important is for you to teach your child how to treat other people and be safe at all ... people should always be treated with respect. Respecting the people around us includes saying things that ...

  9. Eating Disorders Awareness: Bulimia Nervosa

    diuretics; fasting; or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain. People with bulimia may feel out of control ... difficult. However, many people struggling with bulimia nervosa recognize their behaviors are unusual and ... home. May avoid eating around other people. Resources American Psychological Association. (2014). ...

  10. The Living Will

    on the individual’s behalf. In such states, some people do not qualify as witnesses: the agent or ...
