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  1. 4-H roots lead to Big Apple ag venture

    details on how to best do that. “People need to do more conscious eating, and this will help,” said ... urban agriculture project? “Seeing people’s reactions when we tell them about our chickens is the best. ... And it’s even better when we show them,” said Watson. “It’s such a novel thing to a lot of people ...

  2. 2012 National 4-H Congress

    Dannemiller Second Row (L-R): Hannah Paterson, Jennifer Frost, Aubry vonStein, Stephanie McDougal, Maria ...

  3. Ohio 4-H participates in 4-H at Home effort

    With COVID-19 disrupting learning for 55 million young people, National 4-H Council created 4-H at ...

  4. 4-H program boosts youth STEM interest

    drawing buildings, people, eyes of people, and animals—all on her computer. So, when she discovered that ...

  5. Signature Areas

    directed its resources to advance knowledge and generate economic development opportunities for the people ...

  6. 4-H International Travelers Delayed

    a virus that was sickening people in various countries,” said Mary Lynn Thalheimer, program director. “I ... this is a first-world problem. Going to Costa Rica was going to be an amazing gift that most people ... would never get to experience. There are people in the world who are dying and really suffering from ...

  7. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    helping guide our young people; and Janet’s granddaughter, Ashlee, earned her master’s degree at Ohio ...

  8. #4HCampNeedsYouNow: Buckeye Funder Campaign Kicks Off

    new people through line dancing, canoeing, and fishing have been important to Adriana. “My leadership ... skills have really evolved. I used to be shy. My people skills, networking skills, and my sense of ...

  9. Mental health matters to 4-H

    be resilient during difficult times. Having good mental health doesn’t mean that people never go ...

  10. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    Jamie Egler.       My story is like so many other people's story. I was extremely shy and insecure ... as a youth in 4-H and now I train groups of people that equal 3000-4000 people a year in ...
