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  1. Farm Science Review media credentials available

    draws more than 100,000 people.  Media members will need tickets to get in and parking passes for the ...

  2. 2020

    borer (Agrilus planipennis). Plants, People, Planet 2:41-46. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10077. South, KA, Peduto ...

  3. Midwest Dairy Challenge Held in Menomonie, Wisconsin

    Andrew Lefeld, Alissa Hunter, Melinda Miller, Stephanie Neal, and Teresa Smith. Their teams received ... the contest: Andrew Lefeld, Alissa Hunter, Stephanie Neal, and Teresa Smith. The North American ...

  4. What You Should Know Before Butchering on The Farm

    encourage people to take home processing seriously—to think it through,” Garcia said. “If it’s something you ... charge, because of the coronavirus pandemic. In a normal year, more than 100,000 people attend the event ...

  5. 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Results

    John Langel securing the 4th high individual designation.  Other team members included Stephanie Neal, ... Stephanie Neal and John Langel were ranked 6th overall with three members finishing in the top 25.  In ... all.  Stephanie, John, and Neil all finished in the top 25 overall in placings AND reasons to receive an ...

  6. Shared Harvest Foodbank- Ansonia Local Schools

    distribution site during the appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles ... at or below the income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the ...

  7. Continuing to Farm Despite Injuries and Aging

    promotes independence for people working in agriculture who want to continue farming after experiencing ... a disabling condition. Ohio AgrAbility offers free on-site assessments for people with a disability, to help ... Science Review  Sept. 18-20 about ways to help people keep farming or gardening despite physical ...

  8. Farm Science Review 2020: Online and free

    your curiosity.  From Sept. 22–24, people from across the Midwest and the world can learn tips for ... show’s site. Within that image, people can click on the various icons to find the schedules for talks and ...

  9. Technology for Injured Farmers

    on-site assessments for people with a disability, to help determine what assistive technology might enable ... people can see motorized doors for a barn, a motorized chair specially made to ride through rough terrain ... and a modified lawn mower that has shock absorbers to prevent a bumpy ride. “People might think ‘I ...

  10. Shared Harvest Foodbank- Solid Rock Apostolic Church

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...
