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  1. Dairy Critical Issue Briefs (DIBS): 24 now available online address issues facing dairy producers dealing with today’s continuing pitiful milk prices

    costs, • Reproduction and health, • Calf and heifer management, • Business issues, and • People and ...

  2. Felipe Dalla Lana da Silva

    attended by over 2,000 people. Write annual report of committee activity to APS. Vice-Chair, 2016-2017 ...

  3. Anybody going to Reno?

    evenings with enough food being offered so that most people don’t even have to buy themselves a dinner.  ... we need to know how many people to expect. Therefore, if you are from Ohio and are planning to attend ...

  4. Stories from Students

    people who guided me along the way. The Plant Pathology Internship Program has lead me into my senior ... not have imagined or asked for a better group of people not only in the lab, but in the office, and ...

  5. Janson Stover Scholarship

    undergraduate and graduate students.  This award thus honors two people whose contributions  in Research, ...

  6. Stress Management During Tough Financial Times

    along with people, anxiousness, feelings of being overwhelmed, emotional outbursts, trouble ... decisions. People in this support network also may provide a sympathetic ear that allows some of the ... financial stress burden to be shared. These are people that want to see your farm succeed and be passed on ...

  7. Environmental Rules for Animal Agriculture- Who Are You Going to Call?

    ago, the "Ghostbusters". The central focus was that evil ghosts prowled upon people and ... "What is going on, who are these people?" Or better yet, maybe you have questions to ask so that ...

  8. Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!

    farm?  Not what the media sometimes presents or what some special interest groups want people to believe! ... farmers would make the right decisions regarding housing their animals. One individual from People for the ... well-managed dairy farms provides an experience you can’t get in the newspaper or on the internet. Once people ...

  9. Pulse on Ohio’s Dairy Industry

    Ohio’s dairy farm families. Debt load has continued to increase and in talking to people who have ... people, and finances will be the focus of those that survive this period of crisis.   Figure 1. Number of ...

  10. Camper Registration Round-Up

    To help accommodate people that are unable to get to our office during regular business hours, we ...
