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  1. Westside Market and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    members.         Cost is $5 per person.        Seating is limited to the first 50 people who register via ...

  2. Research opportunities with Department of Defense

    a staff of approximately 200 people and an annual working budget of nearly $500 million that supports more ...

  3. MRW Work Ethic Certification

    comes from Mike’s personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the ...

  4. Focus On Gratitude With "Gather Your Gratitude" Challenge

    I’ve started asking people at their birthday celebrations to recall some memorable events of the ...

  5. 2020's

    a difference every day. A common saying is that people either see the glass as "half-full" or ... "half-empty." Ada Sue sees it as overflowing! She is one of the most positive people and that attitude rubs off ... strong leadership skills in all aspects of her volunteer work. Peg Naus There are few people who have ...

  6. Publications (current)

    Karhoff, S., Cassone, B., McHale, L., and Dorrance, A.E. 2023. Molecular mechanisms underpinning ... Animals, and People. In The Soil-Human Health Nexus. Taylor and Francis Ltd. ISBN-10: 0367422131 (Invited ...

  7. Contact Us

    ( Directories > Faculty           > All Directories   (Our People) Information about Graduate ...

  8. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  9. 4-H Health HEROES pledge their health to better living

    shelters and help people experiencing homelessness,” said Schubert. “Participating in Health HEROES and ...

  10. Small Business

    accelerate Ohio's economy by helping people start, sustain, and grow their business. The SBDC provides ...
