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  1. Qualtrics at Ohio State

    expiration date of your paid subscription. Be warned that people can still respond to any surveys that are ...

  2. 2024-15


  3. Explore On-Farm Research Reports

    You can now find our most recent on-farm research reports at Explore new and past studies using our search tool, or filter reports by county with the clickable map of Ohio. Reports provide in-depth summaries of pr ...

  4. Starter Fertilizer Uptake in Corn

    2023_Union_Corn_Starter Phosphorus Uptake_Dellinger.pdf 2023 Corn Corn Union ...

  5. Ross County teens explore new cultures

    habits of Jewish people, the teens were given a behind-the-scenes tour of the shop and learned how bagels ... issue, I will jump up to be an upstander. I want to be able to help people and make the world a better ... better prepared to work with, understand, and support people who don't see the world like me." ...

  6. Effect of Starter Phosphorous Fertilizer on Corn Yield- 3

    2023_Fulton Co_Corn_Starter P Fertilizer 3_Kendall Lovejoy.pdf 2023 Corn Corn Fulton phosphorus ...

  7. 2023

    The following projects were conducted on farms and research branch stations by Ohio State University Extension professionals and peer reviewed by two reviewers. Corn Starter Fertilizer Uptake in Corn Effect of Starter Phosphorous Fertilizer on Corn Yield- ...

  8. Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day

    Dr. Stephanie Karhoff, Mr. Alan Leininger, Mr. Kendall Lovejoy, Dr. Osler Ortez, and Mr. Kyle Verhoff ...

  9. Utilizing Row Cleaners for Better Soybean Emergence after an Overwintering Cover Crop

    2023_Paulding Co_Soybean_Row Cleaners for Better Emergence after an Overwintering Cover Crop_Cochran.pdf 2023 Soybean Cover Crops Soybean planting Cover Crops Paulding ...

  10. Soybean Yield Response to Foliar Fungicide and Boron with Nitrogen Blend

    2022_Hardin Co_Soybean_Yield Response to Foliar Fungicide with Boron and Nitrogen_Badertscher.pdf 2022 Soybean soybeans fungicide Nitrogen Hardin ...
