
Search results

  1. Theresa Octaviano

    Ohio State?  I love all the people I've been able to meet and friends I've made. I also love ...

  2. Ashley Tate

    about Ohio State?  I love the people! Everyone is so kind and willing to lend a helping hand. Fun Fact: ...

  3. Kaitlyn Polekoff

    Ohio State?  Definitely the people and community! There are so many ways to make new friends and ...

  4. OSU Study: Kindness Can Help Fight Depression & Anxiety

    people can help you fight feelings of depression and anxiety. The research team of David Cregg and ... more connected with other people.    “Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly ... kindness worked so well because it helped people take their minds off their own depression and anxiety ...

  5. Time & Change Webinar Invitation- Jan 27, 2022

    are working on ways to prevent and better understand coronaviruses that affect people as well as ... and Dr. Stephanie Langel, CFAES alumna and Medical Instructor at the Center for Human Systems ... row:  Heading:  Dr. Stephanie Langel Copy:  BS '11, Animal Sciences PhD '18, Comparative and ...

  6. 4-H Camps Welcome ALL Wayne County Youth

    full of transformational experiences for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to ...

  7. Share Your Talent in the 2022 Flo Chirra Memorial Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest

    Williams County youth in Kindergarten through Second Grade for the 2022-2023 school year are invited to share their talent in the 2023 Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest, sponsored by Ohio State University Extension Williams County and the Williams County ...

  8. National Nutrition Month Turns 50. How Would You Fare On MyPlate Test?

    people of all ages. For children, there are age-appropriate tasks they may enjoy. If you watch ...

  9. Rebekah Carr

    Ohio State? All the opportunites for hands on experience and connecting to people in the agriculture ...

  10. Ella Higgins

    State?  My favorite thing about Ohio State is making connections with amazing people!   Fun Fact:  I play ...
