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  1. Building hope in a space and movement where change feels unlikely

    Indigenous Peoples) sat down with Callia Téllez (Environmental Policy Fellow at the Ohio Environmental ... community for Indigenous Peoples @ COP. These negotiations bare a specific weight and trauma for those ...

  2. Time to Act on Climate Change: April 20, 2022

    For the past 25 years, Jennifer Morris has dedicated her life to protecting the environment for people ...

  3. Another good dairy cattle judging season at Ohio State ATI

    Sarah Quallen (Wilmington, OH), and Stephanie Wyatt (Hamilton, OH). Don Hange and Royce Thornton coached ... Holstein.     • Stephanie Wyatt: 10th in oral reasons; 5th in Guernsey; 10th in Holstein; and 10th in oral ...

  4. Audubon Bioblitz: Urban Conservation

    are interested or want more info. Here is my contact information. stephanie ...

  5. Burpees for Vets challenge

    $11, film yourself doing burpees for 11 seconds and then challenge 3 other people.  Perhaps, either you ...

  6. Connecting, Inspiring, and Growing through Change

    policies that effectively work through these challenges for the people and planet of today and tomorrow. ... people attended EPN events, including 642 (23%) students and 2,083 (77%) professionals. The data ... shows that virtual events are attended by more people on average, but that total attendance at virtual ...

  7. Avian Inflenza Update

    viruses without appearing sick, people should minimize direct contact with wild birds by using gloves. If ...

  8. Home Food Preservation  Recorded topics include Jams and Jellies, Canning & Freezing Vegetables, Canning & ...   LUCAS COUNTY INFORMATION: OSU Extension, Lucas County offers pressure canner gauge testing.  ...

  9. 15th Annual Stinner Summit

    brainstorm ways to improve the health of Ohio’s land and people with support from the Ben Stinner Endowment ...

  10. ACEL to celebrate National Teach Ag Day, host info session

    chair of ACEL, “We believe that all young people deserve to have opportunities to learn about the ... preserving our natural resources while feeding the world. This learning begins for so many young people in an ...
