
Search results

  1. Pruning School to be held at OSU South Centers in March

    swim … you learn by doing.” First 50 people registered will receive free elderberry cuttings, and ...

  2. 2019 CTC Annual Conference: Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, & Healthy People

    Healthy Food, Healthy People” at the Cover Crops, No-Till, and Soil Health session of the Conservation ...

  3. Local Food Champion- Tim McDermott

    our environment and all people. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 and joining the Franklin County ...

  4. Helpful Resources for Fruit Growers

    people participated in this training and learned new and useful information.  It was a wonderful ...

  5. Islam delivers seminars, conducts grant writing workshop in Kyiv, Ukraine

    a classroom presentation entitled “Climate-Smart Agriculture for Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, Healthy People ...

  6. Wayne Lewis: celebrating 35 years at OSU

    Centers; today, the staff is 10 times the size it was when he was hired. With more people comes more ... said it is the relationships he has with his fellow employees. “The best part has to be the people ...

  7. Voices for Food program looking to expand into more counties

    program. “The healthcare costs associated with chronic diseases often further limit people’s financial ...

  8. Marilyn Rabe Retired After 26 Years of Service

    Marilyn’s favorite extension memories include all of the wonderful people she was able to meet and worked ...

  9. ACEL students selected to serve as CFAES ambassadors

    with people in and around our industries and communities.” These five students join 12 ACEL students ...

  10. 15 Years, 15 Minutes: South Centers scientist Islam recognized by University for soil test kit commercialization

    nation of Ukraine and its people. “They do not have the facilities, so they cannot perform routine soil ...
