
Search results

  1. The Farm Science Review Wants Your Selfie

    said. Behind him, some of the 110,000 to 130,000 people who attend the three-day event would be visiting ...

  2. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    information, education and options that help address challenging issues in life. When people ask me what I do ...

  3. 2015 Farm Science Review Fosters Connections Among Attendees, Exhibitors

    partnerships and the transfer of knowledge among people involved in different facets of agriculture,” said ... attendees get the support and resources they need to increase production to help feed 9 billion people by ...

  4. Elder Fraud and Financial Exploitation

    resources, and caregiving. When more people are aware of your wishes, more accountability is possible. Be ...

  5. Farm Transitions are Easier with Planning

    insurance policy, etc. make sure people know where those can be found when needed. These documents are not ...

  6. Unmanned Aerial Systems and Vehicles to Take Flight at 2015 Farm Science Review

    the department. “We want people to experience UAS and its potential uses within farm businesses, along ... feed 9 billion people by the year 2050.” Advance sale tickets for the Farm Science Review are $7 at all ...

  7. Got Questions on Trees, Plants, Flowers or Conservation? Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area Has the Answers

    composting class and other information for people who want to do conservation around their homes,” she said. ... woodlands, wildlife and aquatics with the goal of appealing to as wide a variety of people as possible, ...

  8. What's the Deal with Composting? Here's the Breakdown

    of people began to transition from “hunters and gatherers” to agriculturally based societies. During ... settlers. In the modern world, some scientists found themselves working with composting and people such as ...

  9. Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator License Renewals

    served basis. Each training is limited to the first 47 people. You need to arrive 15 minutes before the ...

  10. Organizers thinking big for Farm Science Review’s Small Farm Programs

    come to these presentations. People are looking for ways to increase profitability no matter their size ... presentations.   “Most people come to the Review for just one day, and our presentations overlap, so it would be ...
