
Search results

  1. Plants, pathogens and the people who study them

    An outreach video by Melanie Medina and the Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association. Link below Marquee Slide Gray Marquee ...

  2. Director's Note, June 22

    people who are increasing community involvement in the outdoors, birding, and ecological restoration in ...

  3. Diagnostic Network

    Francesca Rotondo partecipated in many extension events, lecturing seminars to over 1000 people annually, ...

  4. ENR undergraduate shares service experience

    was very interesting hearing from them first-hand. Most people in the area are aware of climate change ... about is their Christmas tree project. They had people drop off their used Christmas trees and the trees ...

  5. Safety and Inclusion in the Field

    field-based learning opportunities through our courses, activities, and events; however, not all people have ... sampling fish from swamps. A social scientist studying food insecurity among people from different ... collecting behavioral observation data related to food storage practices of people camping in national parks. ...

  6. Stephanie Li

    Stephanie Li Research Assistant Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report ...

  7. Household Food Waste Taxes: Findings from South Korea, Lessons for the U.S.

    Environmental Quality and Yvette Cabrera, Director, Food Waste, People & Communities Program at the National ...

  8. AEDE Extension Team Visits Lynd Fruit Farm

    hats,” said Brian Lynd. “There’s a lot of people that depend on you to get a crop across the finish line. ... workers and having the same people year after year; you could tell the human connection was something he ... annually. During its busiest times on fall weekends, Lynd’s can see over 100 people enter and exit their ...

  9. Director's Note, March 30

    Environmental Professionals Network will host – Art, agriculture, and advancing the relationship of Black people ... and people of color (BIPOC) in mind. Additional details on the evening celebration, including how to ...

  10. Two Ohio State students honored as 2023 Udall Awardee and Honorable Mention

    attend law school and work to help people who have limited access to legal advice, specifically members ...
