
Search results

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Classes, Office Closed   Indigenous People's Day/Columbus Day Friday. November 26th- No Classes, ...

  2. Sign Up Now for the “Spring Into Wellness” Email Wellness Challenge

    Are you done with bad weather and people being sick? Are you ready to re-charge your health by ...

  3. Wooster Science Cafe

    chairs so that people can sit physically distanced-              There will be light appetizers provided ...

  4. Instant Pot- Meals in Minutes

    cost for these programs, but pre-registration is required.  Class sizes are limited to 20 people. To ...

  5. Cooking Under Pressure

    are limited to 20 people.   To register for the January 27 th, Worch Memorial Public Library workshop, ...

  6. Instant Pot Classes Offered

    Class sizes are limited to 20 people. To register for the January 27 th, Worch Memorial Public Library ...

  7. Shared Harvest at Village of Castine

     We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process and place ... for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also certify that, as of ...

  8. Planning to Transition to Columbus after the Semester???

    Counselor and she will assist you in the process and connect you with the right people in Columbus to ...

  9. 2021 Farm Science Review to be live and in person

    host of Farm Science Review, which brings in more than 100,000 people annually. Kress called the event ... to the people of Ohio and beyond.” Jacqueline Kirby Wilkins, a CFAES associate dean and the director ... directory, both designed to help people navigate the grounds. “Our staff has strived to make it easier for ...

  10. Main Street Wooster Presents: Ancestral Returns vis DNA

    and the Ewe people. He arranged an Ancestral Return to Frankadua, in the Eastern Region Ghana, where ...
