
Search results

  1. Mission, Vision and Values

    Mission: Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ... Engage people in lifelong learning. Apply knowledge and practical research to the diverse needs and ... people in solving problems and addressing challenges. Unbiased researched based information. Practical ...

  2. ACEL students compete in research forums

    important questions and using research to help solve problems and make communities, programs and people ...

  3. Farm Management for New & Small Farms

    couples.  Registration deadline is January 30, 2017.  Space is limited to 30 people. Week 1:  Developing ...

  4. Hoey completes internship with ADM Grain

    program and people development, planning and leadership and gain the skills necessary to work with people ...

  5. Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service Workshop

    We're all in the same business, the people business. It's not what we make or sell ... that's critical; it's how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers ... "Pickles" are those special or extra things you do to make people happy. It may be doing something extra for ...

  6. Real Colors Facilitator Training

    people sign up, the price will get reduced to $599 per person and you will receive a $26 credit following ...

  7. Healthy People In-Service

    Two days of trainings on how to successfully host four of our state-level Healthy People programs- ...

  8. Healthy People In-Service

    Two days of trainings on how to successfully host four of our state-level Healthy People programs- ...

  9. Give-em a Pickle Customer Service- Online Workshop

    make people happy. Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center. Visit ...

  10. Work Outside the University Policy Statement

    people of Ohio benefit from the dissemination of knowledge and technology, and the faculty or staff ...
